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ricerca di: Dowman Keith - Libri recensiti: 3

The Power-places of Central Tibet The Pilgrim's Guide di Dowman Keith

 In breve: I spent the summers of 1985-87 wandering about Central Tibet visiting the pilgrimage destinations mentioned by the august Khampa pilgrim Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, in his Tibetan guidebook. This book is the result of that arduous trip in which trekking, hitch-hiking, tractor rides, horse riding and even a goat ride all moved me on. During those years rebuilding of the gompas was progressing fast and althought the desolation of the ruins and paranoia of the people was still evident it was an exciting time to be in Tibet

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Power Places of Kathmandu Hindu and Buddhist Holy Sites in the Sacred Valley of Nepal di Dowman Keith ; Bubriski Kevin

 In breve: Award-winning photographer Kevin Bubriski captures in stunning detail the sacred places of Nepal's Kathmandu Valley. Noted scholar Keith Dowman provides history and commentary on the significance of the sites.

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Tibet sacro (Il) Una guida ai luoghi di potere di Dowman Keith

 In breve: Opera di un profondo conoscitore della religione e della cultura tibetana, è un manuale per il viaggiatore spirituale, alla scoperta delle forze, energie e personaggi che popolano il paese delle nevi. Per pellegrini del Dharma ed affini.

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